Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recap/Trench Notes: April 10, 2009

Kind of a strange night. This is the first time in quite a while that we were struggling to keep the room full. Several notable events, though:

  • At the end of the small map session, Sh0tgun Murphy realized he had been hoarding diamonds – right when we got ready to dump the room for the large map session.

  • First time I’ve ever seen LIVE or Ubi’s servers go so haywire – It looked to me like the whole room got dumped and then slowly filled back in. As host, I couldn’t talk to anyone. Turned out I played an entire match as a ghost player. I couldn’t even heal my teammates – hitting [Y] on a dying player as a ghost just bleeds them out.

  • AMRI LAMBO M4TT’s URBAN COMBAT ALM was pretty amazing to play on. Hard to decide what I liked better, CTD or Uprising, but I think Uprising may be the winner.

  • It’s been a while since we’ve played Broken Piggy’s Lincoln Logs and I just had to see what CTD would be like with a full room (16 players.) It was a BLAST! We’ll have to do that again.

  • PolishFreak8’s Blitzkreig is a great layout for 3 on 3 and 4 on 4 action. It could really use some visual cleanup, though. And it would be nice to have an underground path leading from the back of each base – possibly with a center exit. Seriously, though, it plays very well as is.

  • Steampunk City turned out to be a great 3 on 3 map during the small session. Only there’s a really ugly spawn that requires you to hurt yourself – You need to get that fixed, Dayton28.

  • We tried playing TDM on Njeve Haki Uprising and I was pleased to see that it works pretty well in spite of my fears that it wouldn’t. Of course, that map shines on Uprising, which it was designed for.

Two maps on the list did not get played: Roadie Rage and Dark Knight, due to room size. Instead, we substituted Wizard Incarnate and Beach Battle.

Also, tonight we saw a lot of communications issues. Not sure what the cause was. Some people were having issues with hits not seeming to be registered and a few odd voice issues. Ubi REALLY needs to get their act together and get this game fixed.



  1. Good Times once again Guys (Except for the voice trouble..Uggh!) Attendance was a little short but maybe some People just didn't feel right about shooting each other on Good Friday.
