Saturday, April 4, 2009

Recap: April 3, 2009

Kind of a weird night, but a really fun one. Amazing number of deadlocks in the small map session.

Greetings to my buddy from work, TW 615 JoeReich. Glad you could join us!


  1. Hated missing the games last night.

    I had some relatives unexpected drop in right around starting time. Great seeing relatives, but these don't play video games.

    So to be a good host and friend, I couldn't play last night.

    CJ: Your a good person to host these FC2 Friday sessions for people to have fun!

  2. Thanks Bullet -- we all missed you. Several people asked where you were. (See? You *are* loved!)

    And don't forget, I have a lot of fun at these sessions, too. If it weren't fun, I wouldn't do it!

  3. Great fun friday night, there were lots of close matches good fun all night. Just tell Broken Piggy to keep his head in the game next time and maybe he won't get banned. :)

  4. Yeah, Piggy admitted the next day that he fell asleep. He honestly didn't know it when it happened. Thought he'd just closed his eyes for a second.

    Posting this from my DSi browser!

  5. Sorry to all who were on my team, I had been up since 5 a.m. and was beat!

    I had just finished telling Someone (can't remember who) that Night around 11:45 that I wasn't any good to my team past Midnight but I didn't think I was that bad!
