Wednesday, November 12, 2008

FCF: November 14, 2008 @ 7PM CST

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 16Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, CTD & Uprising
Max Players: 16
Private Slots: 6

It must be bibliophile week here at FCF -- two of our in-house map makers have library-themed maps. (Couldn't have anything to do with all the nice bookshelf pieces in the map editor, could it? Nah...)

Since we are still trying to get out the word, it will be open rooms again this Friday. This means that the Code of Conduct will not be enforced, but please play respectfully. Note that there will be six private slots this week -- which means I will be giving priority to people on my FL and on the Far Cry Friday FL.

FCF Map Makers:
GamertagMap NameNew?Description/Comments
Broken PiggyPig Creek Training


Symmetrical, objective-based map. 4-12 players. Two military training headquarters on opposite sides of a small creek. With lots of destructible cover, this one is sure to serve up a bang...
Broken PiggySand City v4


Fortified desert city location with pathways around, through and on top of all the buildings. Built around a central courtyard. Ample ammo locations and physics objects. Best for 8-12 players.

Updated to provide cover on the rooftops.

Broken PiggyApocalyptica


Post-apocalyptic landscape where the battle continues to the last man standing. Large deathmatch map. 8-16 players.
Broken PiggyBeaver Creek


Faithful remake of the classic Halo map.
Broken PiggyLibrary


Large, mostly indoor map set in a public library.
Cold JusticeJaynes Oasis


Desert Island map with plenty of dunes for crazy Jeep rides. Designed specifically for Uprising, but supports TDM and DM.
Cold JusticeNjebe Haki Valley


Medium-to-large sized jungle map (1km x ½km) set on a stagnant river joining two lagoons. Designed for team play, but works for deathmatch with a large group. 8-16 players.

(Njebe Haki is Swahili for Cold Justice.)
Cold JusticeBoot Hill


This is a team objective-styled map with a decaying graveyard on a central raised promontory set between two "Old West" themed bases. 8-16 players.

CrazyUncleDaveKeep It Down


Multi-story library space. Mostly indoor. The interior is reminiscent of a California public university library. (SDSU/UCSD/UCLA)
CrazyUncleDavePina Coladaburg


Small to medium map with multiple paths. Another winner for Dave.


Medium-sized map set in an abandoned canyon town. 8-16 players.



BIG map set in a colonial fort. Lots of vertical levels and in-building fighting. 12-16 players.

Luke123DudeThe Valley v4


Team objective map. (TDM/CTD only.) 12-16 players. Updated version of the map we saw last week, refined for CTD play. There are now several path options for getting to and returning the diamond.



Criss-crossing paths above a canyon gorge. This map may have playability issues due to the lack of protective railings. Watch your step!

SILO 5 alphaLost Island v2


Jungle swamp with lots of elevation changes -- buildings on stilts, guard towers and high-risk explosions. It it looks like a good position, it's also likely to blow up in your face. Medium to large map. 8-16 players.

The Frozin OneRaider Islands


Huge (1 km square) map. Four tiny islands, a barge, and lots of water... Looks like it will play best as an Uprising map.

Ubi Recommended/General Community:
GamertagMap NameNew?Description/Comments
o0 Wilky 0oWorld Invasion Day2


Novelty map. Doesn't play great, but everyone needs to see it!



Large map with tightly-controlled battle flows. Set in a mansion and an abandoned mine-train yard?!?

BoA WrathRig360 II*


HUGE Oil rig battleground. Supports all game modes, though Uprising and CTD may be rather unweildy.

JC KarloRenavista*


Well-designed battle map set on a small dam.

JC KarloDiscovia


Another JC Karlo architectural work. A Halo-esque concrete facility set in a small valley.

Shortbull NLTimes Square


Small New York themed map. Has detail issues, but should play okay. CTD may be impossible to play due to the placement of HQ markers.

Eze86Subway Stations*


Interesting map of based on a subway station. Includes an upper outdoor level.

* UbiSoft recommended map

Help us save time by downloading the above maps from the UbiSoft Map Community Server before joining the party.

Want to submit a map? See how to do it in our Map Submission Guide.

Be sure to make a Friend Request to "Far Cry Friday" at least one hour before the party begins.

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