Friday, March 1, 2013

FCF: March 1, 2013 @ 7PM CST

New maps?  Of course – there are always new maps.  Here’s what we have on tap for this week.  And, of course, we’ll fill out the night with some old favorites.

New/Revised Maps for Friday:

BF3 Gulf of Oman EddieNES Domination/Transmission

This Battlefield 3 remake has a good mix of CQB and open play.  The environment is definitely war-torn.  The flyover for this map can be deceiving – Eddie has decorated a lot of the area outside of the playable zone.

I haven’t checked the spawns, but this looks like it will be a fun map.

Thru the WORM Chongokiller preference not stated

A fantasy-themed map with just a touch of Myst-inspired steampunk added for spice.  Gameplay in this small, multi-level sandbox is likely to be fast and frenetic.  This is set in a spatial Nowhere, so watch your step or it could be your last as you fall into the Nothingness.

Watch out for the worm guarding the wormhole…

Fallout Fury CQB Dark Reyule preference not stated

Don’t let the CQB subtitle fool you – this map has plenty of open spaces to complement its dark rooms and twisting hallways.  The setting is difficult to describe and something of a visual departure from what we’ve come to expect of Reyule.  It’s pretty much a tri-level indoor play area with a mix of open spaces, offices and narrow stairways and hallways.

I believe it will play well, but again, I didn’t have time to review the spawn positions so it’s a bit hard to judge.  Come prepared for anything – shotguns and sniper rifles are equally recommended.

Desert Fortress Smoken Crow Domination/Transmission

A small desert base under siege by helicopters…. a single survivor valiantly defending what remains with his last shoulder-mounted beer-bottle rocket… this is the scene you walk into as play begins.  This map features a nicely detailed keep-style layout where there was apparently a sale on sandbags.  And, as always with a Smoken Crow map, there’s a sweet spot for setting off a fuel barrel chain reaction – the challenge is being the one to set it off.

This layout is tried and true and should play very well.

Back to the Cellar Smoken Crow TDM/Transmission

As you enter the building with ancient stone lion heads sneering at you, you feel a sense of foreboding… a feeling made worse and validated as you see the bodies writhing in agony in the hole set before you that you know you must enter – are compelled to enter.  Back to the Cellar is a snaking shotgun topology map illustrating the evils that the fabled Rhinoceros Beast (posssibly a relative of the mythical Minotaur) performs on the humans who dare enter his dominion of narrow corridors.

This is a true shotgun-topology map – you will meet the enemy and your mettle will be tested.  CQB is the order of the day.

Arena Ruins Broken Piggy preference not stated

Once again, Broken Piggy shows off his knack for creating nice bi-level arena-style play areas.  This map has a wonderfully overgrown feel to it and features not one, but two guarded perimeter paths for those who are looking to get a quick rest from the battle.

Note that this is a work in progress.

Lockdown Broken Piggy preference not stated

“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” 

Almost five months after it was begun, Broken' Piggy’s first attempt at a FC3 map breathes in the light of day.  Or, rather, it doesn’t.  Lockdown is a dark hellhole of a prison where even the scant views of the outside prison yard fill the viewer with despair.  The prison features three offset levels and a variety of small and large play spaces.


  1. Yeah FF CQB is a remake from my most popular FC:IP map way back in 2006. It certainly won't win any awards for aesthetics but it's layout is tried and true. Thanks for tossing it on here, I didn't see the update yesterday so I assumed FCF was cancelled.

  2. Another fun session! A lot of good maps. I noticed quite a few of them on the silver players list already!

    That sucks Reyule. We rarely cancel (only once that I can think of since FC3 has been out, Cold Justice is always really good about letting people know if We have to cancel though.
