Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jonestown finally published

Cold Justice has finally published the historical map Jonestown.  An announcement has been posted here:

The text of the post is presented below:

After a month of development and play testing, I am proud to present Jonestown, a Far Cry 3 map representing the scene found by the FBI in Jonestown, Guyana in November of 1978.

Map Name: Jonestown
System: Xbox 360 (Far Cry 3)
Creator: Cold Justice
Game Modes: All

Jonestown is a large map that plays like four different maps. Each game mode covers a different map area. I believe this to be a unique approach to Far Cry maps and one that is likely to be emulated. The map is based on the actual layout of Jonestown, Guyana, and was reproduced based on aerial photographs taken at the time of the massacre, drawings provided by the FBI and other source materials. It is not to scale, and some artistic license has been taken for game play and other reasons. But every building on the map represents a real building from the site and it's relative position is accurate. I did not include the Jonestown farm areas because I wanted the edges of the map to be surrounded by jungle.

The map also includes a re-imagining of the Port Kaituma airstrip where U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and four others were killed by members of the People's Temple cult. In reality, the airstrip is several miles away, so in this map I have introduced a river and waterfall that separates the airstrip from the town.
The game modes supported are:

Domination: This mode takes place entirely on the Port Kaituma airstrip. It is an open setting and the play is frenetic, but fun.

Transmission: This mode takes place on both sides of the river, involving parts of the airstrip and Jonestown proper.

Team Deathmatch: This mode encompasses most of the Jonestown area of the map. No spawns are placed in the Kaituma airstrip. Because the layout is relatively flat, even small lobbies (6 people or more) are able to have fun in this mode.

Firestorm: The firestorm phase of this game mode takes place entirely in the cottages area of Jonestown. Once a firestorm has been achieved, the play moves to the nearby radio shack, where a wild battle typically ensues. (Note that historical sources vary on which building was the actual radio hut. I have gone with the location indicated by family members, which works better for game play. FBI drawings indicate a different building closer to the main Pavilion.)

This map has been intensively play-tested and approved by the Far Cry Friday regulars. (You can find out more about Far Cry Friday at

About the Map:
This map contains all major buildings and roads identified in aerial photographs of Jonestown, Guyana and in other maps and records. The map is intentionally not to scale and is, unfortunately, rotated 90° from the correct compass settings. Buildings of note are:

  • The Pavilion, a large open tent outside of which most of the 900+ People's Temple bodies were found.
  • The dormitories -- five staggered buildings behind the Pavilion
  • The West House (unfortunately on the north side of the map) where Jim Jones lived for most of his stay in Jonestown.
  • The armory and heavy machinery/garage buildings
  • The radio shack and generators
  • The 48 family cottages. These were 15'x20' single room shacks arranged in a distinctive pattern. In this map, 40 of the cottages are represented by 5' x 5' shacks in the same distinctive layout. The remaining 8 cottages have been replaced by 8 latrines for artistic variety.
  • The East House -- Jim Jones first house at Jonestown, which later became a guest house after the West House was built.
  • The wooden outdoor basketball half-court. This doesn't show up on any of the maps I found, but is mentioned in several places and has been photographed a number of times. I placed it near the East House, since this seems to be the right location from looking at photographs. The size and shape of the court matches historical photographs taken in 1979.
Well over 200 corpses have been placed in the map to represent the areas where the dead were found by the FBI in November 1978. This map is not presented as a glorification of the mass suicides and murders that occurred in 1978, but as a historical representation of the event, much like any WWII map.

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