Thursday, January 31, 2013

FCF: February 1, 2013 @ 7PM CST

Here’s the map list.


Map Creator Modes Comments
Okay, this one isn’t new or revised, but it’s a good session opener.
New Camelot Broken Piggy All New Camelot has seen quite a bit of face lifting – you may not recognize it!  (NOT PUBLISHED)
Trailer Park FND Killer Tuner All Double-wides and pirates – with a sewer to boot.
Apocalyptica Broken Piggy All A new, desolate map.  Great for snipers and all-out battle.  (NOT PUBLISHED.)
Pot Luck mambonuts All One of our favorite FC2 map makers returns with a base-styled map.  Apparently competing pot growers have set up business across from each other.
1ion5 D3N BiTTeReRli0N All There are some rough spots to walk, but this is a nice temple map with lots of cover.
unwanted ST x EROCK All Small jungle map set near a military installation. (NOT PUBLISHED.)
Relictus xXxMentaLxXx All Warfare in a decaying factory from a long-forgotten civilization.


Regular Rotation Maps

Map Name Creator Modes Comments
Workmans Comp ST x EROCK All Great map for 6-12 players
Contained Broken Piggy All Fun for small groups.
Septic Broken Piggy All No new changes, not yet published.
Jonestown Cold Justice All Making the best of a bad situation…
Ancient Arena Broken Piggy Domination
A fun end-of-the-night map
Suspended Mikk_Q TDM Always in the rotation, but hasn’t gotten much play lately.
Katatonia Broken Piggy TDM
We still need to play this with the new Domination points.
Smuggler’s Airport Broken Piggy All Now with extra vegetation!
Island of the Dead Broken Piggy TDM Another end-of-night standby.
Pretty Japanese garden.  Great start-of-session map.

Friday, January 25, 2013

No FCF this week…

Sorry folks, but I’ve been working very long days this past week and haven’t been able to review any of the many maps that you all have sent in.  I’ll also be working tonight, so I won’t be able to host at all.

I would recommend that y’all get some Far Cry co-op going as an alternative tonight.

This crisis at work should be over by Saturday and I can get back to normal.

Thanks to everyone who has submitted maps – I have eight or more new maps from five map-makers.  I will be reviewing them on Sunday and will give everyone feedback, as usual.  The map list for February 1 should be ready early this week.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Recap: January 18, 2013

Ubisoft released the update to Xbox platforms on game day, promising no more “ghost players”, improved lobby joining and no more being blocked out of a lobby for incompatible profile settings.
Well, one out of three ain’t bad.  Oh, wait… yeah, it is.
While no one got the infamous incompatible profile message, we had the usual number of “I can’t join the room” and ghost player issues as before.  Looks like there’s still a lot of work to do…
The room was busy most of the night.  Here’s a recap of the maps we played:
DapperHayden007’s Kaiyu Shiki Teien opened the night with some 2 on 1 and 4 on 3 action.  This pretty and small garden map played very well in both Domination and Team Death match modes.  Players for this map included Broken Piggy, DapperHayden007, CrazyUncleDave, Panyc333 and Cold Justice.  (If I left anyone out, please let me know in the comments.)  This map has Silver status with twelve plays and nine votes.
We took an early look at Broken Piggy’s latest constructed map, New Camelot.  This map played well overall with a small room, but the bland nature of the concrete wall pieces combined with late evening lighting left little for the eye to look at.  The time of day setting was an oversight and BP plans on removing some of the middle area pieces in order to buy back some of his object budget.  Getting some more color on the map, as well as some daylight shadowing should perk up the look.  The occluded arena style of this map would benefit from some explosive elements, which, with Far Cry 3, limits you to barrels.  I believe we only played TDM on this map, though from what I’ve seen of the layout and spawns, all game modes should work well.
The published version of Contained by Broken Piggy was put through its paces once Darksteel Titan came on the scene. As always, this map delivers well on its promise of constant action in tight spaces.  TDM and Domination modes were enjoyed by all.  As of this morning, the map has three plays and three votes, putting it in Bronze status.  This map deserves some love y’all… let’s get it to silver!
Another newly (some would say finally) published map for this session  was Cold Justice’s historical Jonestown map.  We played all four game modes, somehow garnering the map Silver status as of this morning with six votes and eight plays.  Niko Anonamix joined in the fray during this map and shared perhaps a bit too much regarding his personal hygiene habits…  As always, this map is a blast to play on all game modes, with, perhaps, Transmission being the dark horse – fun, but not as much as the other modes in this author’s humble opinion.
We then took a look at an early version of Niko Anonamix’s Camp Crystal TEST.  This Friday the 13th homage features a very nice-looking oval lake at its center.  The lake is surrounded by various campgrounds and a bit of stake carnage.  The group consensus was that the map is very good looking and laid out, but the game modes and spawns need serious reworking in order to be enjoyable.  Cold Justice volunteered to provide a modified version of the map with reworked spawns and objective points.
We took a spin through Broken Piggy’s other work-in-progress, Septic.  This map has not been modified since our last session, but its gameplay warranted it a spot in the playlist.  Hillbillee and D0PEB0T made an appearance while this map was in play.
Ancient Arena, Broken Piggy’s temple-themed arena, was also published this past week and got its turn in the spotlight.  TDM and Domination got their workouts on this map, but unfortunately no Firestorm this time around.  (I have a fondness for how well Firestorm plays on this map and since I write this thing – I can take the liberty to complain.)  This map also showed three votes and three plays this morning.  Hopefully we can get it promoted to Silver during next week’s session.  FC2 mapmaker Nacho Woo made a cameo appearance while this map was on the block.
Maps on the playlist that didn’t see action were: Workman’s Comp, Suspended, Katatonia, Smuggler’s Airport and Island of the Dead.

We had a couple of incidents during the session that will result in one or more long-term (possibly permanent) player bans later this week.  This is not something I take lightly – and it’s not the first time I’ve had to do this.  FCF is very much my baby and I can’t let the disruptive behavior of any player or players tarnish the reputation that FCF has built up over the past seven years.  My first priority is to provide an experience that is as enjoyable and comfortable as possible to the majority of the people in the room.  The maps and their evaluation comes second to that.  When individuals take things too far or violate our Code of Conduct repeatedly, it becomes my responsibility to do what needs to be done.  It’s a pain in the butt, but it’s what I do.
There are plenty of rooms where you can play custom maps.  FCF isn’t just another of those rooms.  Those who have been a part of it for any length of time know that it’s something special and I intend to keep it that way.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ancient Arena published

Map Name: Ancient Arena
System: Xbox 360 (Far Cry 3)
Creator: Broken Piggy
Game Modes: All

Broken Piggy has published his temle-themed arena map, Ancient Arena.  This is a small (4 grid) arena-style map that supports all game modes.  It features a crumbling ancient garden atmosphere with tight paths.  The map is surrounded by an upper walkway that presents limited sniping opportunities.  It also has two underground ceremonial chambers that are featured capture points in Firestorm and Domination gameplay.

This is a very fun map in all game modes and is now part of the regular FCF rotation.

Contained published

Map Name: Contained
System: Xbox 360 (Far Cry 3)
Creator: Broken Piggy
Game Modes: All

Broken Piggy has published his junkyard run'n'gun map Contained.  This map has been play tested and tweaked with the Far Cry Friday crew and has been deemed ready for public mayhem.  This is a relatively small (4 grid squares) and tight map that is littered with junk in an artful and gameplay-conscious manner.  The main battle area has multiple paths going around a garage, haphazard containers and piles of debris.  The outside of the map has a square alleyway that can be used to get a break from the action -- or not.We have had a lot of fun play testing the map and it is sure to become a favorite.  It has all four game modes and each is well structured, but my favorites for this map are TDM an Domination.

This map is now part of the regular rotation for Far Cry Friday.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

FCF: Janurary 18, 2013 @ 7PM CST

Here’s the map list for this Friday:

Map Creator Modes Comments
New Camelot Broken Piggy ALL Piggy’s new close-quarters, constructed map.
Workmans Comp ST x EROCK All  
Contained Broken Piggy ALL PUBLISHED!
Camp Crystal TEST Niko Anonomix ALL HUGE Friday the 13th map.  Nicely laid out and decorated.  I have serious concerns about the spawn points/game modes.
Septic Broken Piggy All No new changes, not yet published.
Jonestown Cold Justice Firestorm
Ancient Arena Broken Piggy Domination
Suspended Mikk_Q TDM  
Katatonia Broken Piggy TDM
Domination points have been reworked since the last time it was played
Smuggler’s Airport Broken Piggy ALL  
Island of the Dead Broken Piggy TDM  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jonestown finally published

Cold Justice has finally published the historical map Jonestown.  An announcement has been posted here:

The text of the post is presented below:

After a month of development and play testing, I am proud to present Jonestown, a Far Cry 3 map representing the scene found by the FBI in Jonestown, Guyana in November of 1978.

Map Name: Jonestown
System: Xbox 360 (Far Cry 3)
Creator: Cold Justice
Game Modes: All

Jonestown is a large map that plays like four different maps. Each game mode covers a different map area. I believe this to be a unique approach to Far Cry maps and one that is likely to be emulated. The map is based on the actual layout of Jonestown, Guyana, and was reproduced based on aerial photographs taken at the time of the massacre, drawings provided by the FBI and other source materials. It is not to scale, and some artistic license has been taken for game play and other reasons. But every building on the map represents a real building from the site and it's relative position is accurate. I did not include the Jonestown farm areas because I wanted the edges of the map to be surrounded by jungle.

The map also includes a re-imagining of the Port Kaituma airstrip where U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and four others were killed by members of the People's Temple cult. In reality, the airstrip is several miles away, so in this map I have introduced a river and waterfall that separates the airstrip from the town.
The game modes supported are:

Domination: This mode takes place entirely on the Port Kaituma airstrip. It is an open setting and the play is frenetic, but fun.

Transmission: This mode takes place on both sides of the river, involving parts of the airstrip and Jonestown proper.

Team Deathmatch: This mode encompasses most of the Jonestown area of the map. No spawns are placed in the Kaituma airstrip. Because the layout is relatively flat, even small lobbies (6 people or more) are able to have fun in this mode.

Firestorm: The firestorm phase of this game mode takes place entirely in the cottages area of Jonestown. Once a firestorm has been achieved, the play moves to the nearby radio shack, where a wild battle typically ensues. (Note that historical sources vary on which building was the actual radio hut. I have gone with the location indicated by family members, which works better for game play. FBI drawings indicate a different building closer to the main Pavilion.)

This map has been intensively play-tested and approved by the Far Cry Friday regulars. (You can find out more about Far Cry Friday at

About the Map:
This map contains all major buildings and roads identified in aerial photographs of Jonestown, Guyana and in other maps and records. The map is intentionally not to scale and is, unfortunately, rotated 90° from the correct compass settings. Buildings of note are:

  • The Pavilion, a large open tent outside of which most of the 900+ People's Temple bodies were found.
  • The dormitories -- five staggered buildings behind the Pavilion
  • The West House (unfortunately on the north side of the map) where Jim Jones lived for most of his stay in Jonestown.
  • The armory and heavy machinery/garage buildings
  • The radio shack and generators
  • The 48 family cottages. These were 15'x20' single room shacks arranged in a distinctive pattern. In this map, 40 of the cottages are represented by 5' x 5' shacks in the same distinctive layout. The remaining 8 cottages have been replaced by 8 latrines for artistic variety.
  • The East House -- Jim Jones first house at Jonestown, which later became a guest house after the West House was built.
  • The wooden outdoor basketball half-court. This doesn't show up on any of the maps I found, but is mentioned in several places and has been photographed a number of times. I placed it near the East House, since this seems to be the right location from looking at photographs. The size and shape of the court matches historical photographs taken in 1979.
Well over 200 corpses have been placed in the map to represent the areas where the dead were found by the FBI in November 1978. This map is not presented as a glorification of the mass suicides and murders that occurred in 1978, but as a historical representation of the event, much like any WWII map.

Recap: January 11, 2013

Another crazy night.  It started out slow, but before we knew it, the party chat was full!  We saw lots of maps, some new, some familiar and one with a dramatic mood change.  The room was opened early and the first map, Contained, got played at around 7:08 PM CST.

Party members were ST X EROCK, Broken Piggy, Panyc333, Caidkilla, Hilbillee, Niko Anonamix, Darksteel Titan and Cold Justice.  We also had a rather disturbing guest appearance by Hank Hill and Dave Gribble.

Broken Piggy’s finalization of Contained was very well received, and with the exception of a sticky ramp, is ready for publication.  This map would have been more fun for your humble chronicler if Broken Piggy would learn to keep his machete sheathed.

ST x EROCK’s latest instantiation of Workmans Comp was introduced to the group to rave reviews. This highly decorated urban-industrial map played well on all game modes, but it’s rumored that EROCK will be making a few adjustments to spawn positions in the near future.

Cold Justice’s massive historical re-imagining of Jonestown received approval from the jury and after a bit of a tweak of the after-action camera, it will also be put out into the wild to see how it fares.  It was during the Firestorm matches on Jonestown that the characters from King of The Hill: After Dark made their hilarious, yet twisted appearance.  “Dammit Bobby!”

Septic, Broken Piggy’s latest sewer crawler, was very well received and praised by the panel.  Some sticky stairway and doorway fixes are in its future, as well as the addition of several toilets…

Broken Piggy’s alternate version of Ancient Arena, Ancient Arena Dark, got some good play testing and it was the party consensus that this gloomier version of the map is the one that should get published.  The only thing standing in the way of final publication for this map is a re-working of the after-action camera position.

The group got a peek at the transformation of Cold Justice’s Firestorm play testing demo, Helltown, as it begins its metamorphosis from a structural demo to a disturbingly decorated map.  The appearance of the map is still very rough, but the game modes are playing well.  In particular, the rework of the Domination capture points is a welcome improvement.  This map still needs about 30-40 hours of work before its final form will be realized.

We closed the night off, in a nod to FCF tradition, with Broken Piggy’s Beach Battle, which has been mysteriously renamed to Island of the Dead.  Hushed whispers around the campfire are theorizing that it has been renamed so that a new, smaller Beach Battle can emerge, emulating the gameplay of its Far Cry 2 and Far Cry Instincts: Predator ancestors.

Overall, despite the quirks of the game and an event that locked up most of the room’s consoles in a single go, it was a very fun night.  It could have used a bit less ethyl alcohol “lubrication”, but overall, was a very enjoyable night.

Maps scheduled, but not played in this session: Suspended, Katatonia, and Smugglers Airport.

Have any particular gems to share from this session?  Document them for posterity in the comments!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

FCF: January 11, 2013 @ 7PM CST

Broken lobbies?  We don’ need no stinkin’ broken lobbies!

Yes, we’ll be back at it this Friday.  Here are the maps we’ll be playing:

Map Creator Modes Comments
Contained Broken Piggy ALL This map has been updated to be busier and tighter and the game modes have been re-worked.
Workmans Comp ST x EROCK All This is the debut appearance of this tight industrial landscape map.
Septic Broken Piggy All Another debut.  This bi-level map is set entirely in a sewer.
Jonestown Cold Justice Firestorm
Some minor changes to cover and a rework of Domination spawns are all that separate this map from finally being published.
Ancient Arena Dark Broken Piggy Domination
A drearier version of Ancient Arena.
Suspended Mikk_Q TDM  
Katatonia Broken Piggy TDM
Domination points have been reworked
Smuggler’s Airport Broken Piggy ALL  
Helltown Cold Justice ALL Domination reworked.  Map is still a work in progress and is undergoing a full face-lift.
Beach Battle Broken Piggy TDM  

NOTE:  We’ve made significant changes to the Map Submission Guidelines in order to work better with Far Cry 3.  Be sure to read them!

UPDATE:  A recent discovery by Broken Piggy and Cold Justice will result in yet another change to the map submission guidelines.  We hope to have them updated on Saturday, January 12th.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

FCF: January 4, 2013 @ 7PM CST

Happy new year!  It’s the first FCF of the year and we’ll do our best to have fun in spite of the broken game lobby.

Maps that will be on the menu:

  • Jonestown by Cold Justice – this version has been updated with more details and all game modes.  Transmission has been added to the map and Firestorm has been totally redone.  This should be the last test session before the map is published and advertised on the Ubisoft forums.
  • Helltown by Cold Justice – We’ve seen this map before under some development name.  It’s been updated a bit, but is still a work in progress.  We’ll be play-testing Domination and Transmission game modes.
  • Suspended by MikkQ – a repeat, but a fun map nonetheless.
  • Katatonia by Broken Piggy –We’ll be playing TDM and Domination.  We’ll check Firestorm and Transmission if time allows.
  • Ancient Arena by Broken Piggy – We’ll be checking out all game modes.
  • Smuggler’s Airport by Broken Piggy – We need to test Transmission, Domination and Firestorm.  
  • Contained by Broken Piggy – a junkyard map with all game modes.
  • Beach Battle by Broken Piggy – a popular returning map.  Two buildings, a beach and pirates with guns.