Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FCF: July 2, 2009 - TENTATIVE

Folks, when it rains, it pours...

  • Three weeks ago, the laptop that I track all of our FCF fun on had its video card go out.
  • Last week, my A/C went out (still not fixed) Inside temp has been steady at about 94°F (34.5°C) for the past week.
  • Last Thursday, my PC got hit with the devastating "reader_s" virus and all its minions and I'm still running virus scans
  • Last night, my TV went out.

So, as I prioritize what NEEDS to get done and paid for against what I'd LIKE to get done and paid for, the A/C (a health and comfort issue) and the laptop (my livelihood) are bound to take precedence.

So, while I'd like to say that come Hell or high water there will be an FCF this week, I can't really promise that.

I'm not cancelling yet, but there is a 50% chance that that will happen.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you got a lot going on, (not the good way). Your right: When it rains, it pours!

    Been there, Done that!

    Just sit back; Take a few slow deep breaths; Hold it, Hold it. Exhale; RELAX!

    We're going to all still be here online playing FC2 when you get your Hosting Sessions back up and running.
