Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recap: December 19, 2008

Well, we got off to something of a slow start, but it was definitely some good times tonight. The session ran from 7PM CT to 3:34AM CT – over 8½ hours!

We played all of the new and updated maps on the map list, plus the unscheduled 3rd iteration of Roadie Rage: Roadie Rage Reverb. Broken Piggy’s Beach Battle made a couple of appearances througout the night and early morning, as did Jaynes Oasis and CrazyUncleDave’s Spherikill. Spherikill lives up to most of the early hype, (I’m still not declaring Dave a “map-making god”), and serves up a fantastic Uprising experience. Not only that, but it is a beautiful constructed map that breaks from the Halo-esque look that we so commonly see in freeform concrete block maps.

We also got a chance to finally see how CTD works on SILO5alpha’s PRISON BREAK. (With a 12 or more people, it works pretty darn well.)

A surprise contender tonight was SWOFF’s “Twin Peaks”, which played better than any of us expected. Congrats!

Also, a few minor refinements and some extra eye candy could find PolishFreak8’s Anarchy map on our regular small map rotation.


  1. Indeed...another very fun evening! Great selection of maps, and it was nice to see some new creators in the mix.

    Roadie Rage Reverb is easily the best incarnation of CJ's map...I hosted it a few times over the weekend to very favorable response. Excellent work.

    And despite your comments to the contrary, I AM a map-making god. All show bow to my divine glory. :)

  2. Careful Dave... the real god of FC maps (JayFlipz, aka JC Karlo) may start throwing thunderbolts and map objects at you! :p
