Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FCF: May 1, 2009 @ 7PM & 9PM CDT

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 20Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: All

Workers Unite!  And power to the people… er, players!

This special May Day edition of Far Cry Friday features maps chosen by YOU – our Far Cry Friday comrades.  So if you haven’t voted, do so NOW using the ballot in the sidebar.  Remember, you can vote for as many maps as you want – so, as they say in Chicago, “vote early, vote often!”

The votes are in, the polls have closed and here are your winners!  13 winners total and I refuse to choose between the bottom tier – so we’ll play them all.

Small Map Session (8 players max.) 7PM - 9PM CDT:

There will be 6 private slots for this session.

Gamertag Map Name Votes Size Modes Preferred
PolishFreak8 Barge Battle 4 S D Deathmatch
Broken Piggy Beach Battle 6 S-M All CTD
mambonuts Junkyard Dog 7 S All TDM
PrisonedBullet Crossroads 4 S-M DTU Uprising
CrazyUncleDave Suspendead 4 S All CTD/Uprising

Large Map Session (16 players max.) 9PM - 1AM CDT:

There will be 10 private slots reserved for this session.

Gamertag Map Name Votes Size Modes Preferred
CrazyUncleDave Curve Damage 5 L All Uprising/CTD
CrazyUncleDave Fatalitrees 5 M All Uprising/CTD
Cold Justice Njeve Haki Uprising 7 L DTU Uprising/DM
Broken Piggy Lincoln Logs 5 M All CTD/Uprising
CrazyUncleDave Spherikill 5 L All Uprising
PolishFreak8 Khardi Uprising 4 M-L All Uprising/CTD
MARK TW Mall Madness 4 M All CTD
Broken Piggy Pipeworks 4 M-L All CTD/Uprising

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Recap: April 24, 2009

Very fun, very wierd night. Sorry about the voice issues, guys. For some reason I was suddenly set up to where I couldn’t hear any of you in game chat. We finished off the night with (most of) my team in a party.

Best part of the party was that we kept gotcherrr in the party even when he wasn’t on my team. Ah, fun times…

We played every map on the list (EDIT: except Trench Trouble because CJ is a dork.) I hope you enjoyed them. We also, for pure humor’s sake, did a quick round of CTD on “We B Crabs” – honestly one of the funniest, though crass, maps I’ve ever played on.

Next week it is YOUR turn to pick the maps. So be sure to vote for all of your favorites in our sidebar ballot before the poll closes on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Voting now open for Players’ Choice Night!

Take a look at our sidebar anytime between now and 8PM PDT on April 30th and you’ll find a ballot for Players’ Choice Night.

The rules are simple:  VOTE FOR AS MANY MAPS AS YOU WANT.  (Just don’t vote for all of them, because that would be silly and would be the same as not voting at all.)  Once you cast your vote, you can’t go back, so be sure to pick all of your favorites.  Please only one ballot per person.

Voting closes at 8PM PDT on April 30th.

I’ll take the top 4 small maps and the top 6 medium-to-large maps and create a map list from the results.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

FCF: April 24, 2009 @ 7PM & 9PM CDT

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 20Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: All

It’s Host’s Favorites Night! Woo-hoo! I’ve picked out 13 of my favorite maps of the past four months for your bullet-slinging pleasure. I couldn’t just pick 10, so we are planning on going for 6 hours this weekend.

And yes, there are two of my own maps on here. What can I say? I like my maps…

Small Map Session (8 players max.) 7PM - 9PM CDT:

This session will be restricted to all private slots. If you aren't on the host's Friends List, you won't be able to get in the room.

GamertagMap NameStatusSizeModesPreferred
PolishFreak8Barge BattleOldSDDM
Broken PiggyBeach BattleOldS-MAllCTD

Large Map Session (16 players max.) 9PM - 1AM CDT:

There will be 10 private slots reserved for this session.

GamertagMap NameStatusSizeModesPreferred
PrisonedBulletSnake RiverOldLAllCTD/Uprising
Cold JusticeNjeve Haki UprisingOldLDTUDM/Uprising
Broken PiggyTrench TroubleOldMAllCTD
MambonutsShipping Lane ReloadOldLAllTDM
Reyule RebornKesselschlactOldM/LTCUUprising
MARKTWMall MadnessOldM-LAllCTD/Uprising
Broken PiggyLincoln LogsOldMAllCTD/Uprising
Cold JusticeRoadie Rage ReverbOldMAllUprising

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do you Twitter?

Far Cry Friday tweets! You can follow the FarCryFriday twitter feed at http://twitter.com/FarCryFriday.

And if you are feeling voyeuristic, you can follow Cold Justice’s twitter feed at http://twitter.com/donperk. About 80% of the tweets there will be Xbox 360/gaming related -- with a smattering of what it's like to be a single forty-something with too many cats who spends his days writing banking software.

FCF: April 17, 2009 @ 7PM & 9PM CDT


Sorry folks, but C.J. has a gig on Friday and it just dawned on me that it conflicted with FCF.  Our alternate hosts are unable to do the full night for various reasons, so we’ll take a rain check this week.

Note that CrazyUncleDave may host a pickup session sometime after 9:30 PM CDT.  Nothing guaranteed or official, but it would be worth checking out if you are on.  I’ve been to one of his Crazy Thursdays (usually too late for me on a work night :-( ) and he hosts a good room.

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 20Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: All

Okay, so you refused to file your taxes and remade Boston Harbor into a giant cup of Earl Grey.  What are you gonna do now?  Chase off the UFLL oppressors who put you into this mess, right?

Looks like our map makers have all been too busy paying Uncle Sam and Granny Bertha to do any important work – like creating maps for us to play on – so this week it’s going to be a “Host’s Favorites” night.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Recap/Trench Notes: April 10, 2009

Kind of a strange night. This is the first time in quite a while that we were struggling to keep the room full. Several notable events, though:

  • At the end of the small map session, Sh0tgun Murphy realized he had been hoarding diamonds – right when we got ready to dump the room for the large map session.

  • First time I’ve ever seen LIVE or Ubi’s servers go so haywire – It looked to me like the whole room got dumped and then slowly filled back in. As host, I couldn’t talk to anyone. Turned out I played an entire match as a ghost player. I couldn’t even heal my teammates – hitting [Y] on a dying player as a ghost just bleeds them out.

  • AMRI LAMBO M4TT’s URBAN COMBAT ALM was pretty amazing to play on. Hard to decide what I liked better, CTD or Uprising, but I think Uprising may be the winner.

  • It’s been a while since we’ve played Broken Piggy’s Lincoln Logs and I just had to see what CTD would be like with a full room (16 players.) It was a BLAST! We’ll have to do that again.

  • PolishFreak8’s Blitzkreig is a great layout for 3 on 3 and 4 on 4 action. It could really use some visual cleanup, though. And it would be nice to have an underground path leading from the back of each base – possibly with a center exit. Seriously, though, it plays very well as is.

  • Steampunk City turned out to be a great 3 on 3 map during the small session. Only there’s a really ugly spawn that requires you to hurt yourself – You need to get that fixed, Dayton28.

  • We tried playing TDM on Njeve Haki Uprising and I was pleased to see that it works pretty well in spite of my fears that it wouldn’t. Of course, that map shines on Uprising, which it was designed for.

Two maps on the list did not get played: Roadie Rage and Dark Knight, due to room size. Instead, we substituted Wizard Incarnate and Beach Battle.

Also, tonight we saw a lot of communications issues. Not sure what the cause was. Some people were having issues with hits not seeming to be registered and a few odd voice issues. Ubi REALLY needs to get their act together and get this game fixed.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

FCF: April 10, 2009 @ 7PM & 9PM CDT

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 20Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: All

Okay procrastinators, what are you gonna do on Friday – file your taxes or steal diamonds from those APR scumbags? I know where I’ll be, and it will involve lots of scumbags, er, APR scumbags, not IRS scumbags…

Small Map Session (8 players max.) 7PM - 9PM CDT:

This session will be restricted to all private slots. If you aren't on the host's Friends List, you won't be able to get in the room.

GamertagMap NameStatusSizeModesPreferred
PolishFreak8Dogon WarsOldS-MAllUprising
PolishFreak8BlitzkriegNewS TDM/CTD
Dayton28Steampunk CityNewS-M TDM/Uprising
CrazyUncleDaveSuspendeadOldS CTD/Uprising

Large Map Session (16 players max.) 9PM - Midnight CDT:

There will be 12 private slots reserved for this session -- and we will be carefully watching the public population on those 3 remaining slots.

GamertagMap NameStatusSizeModesPreferred
Empires RaygeDark KnightOldS-MAllUprising
Cold JusticeNjeve Haki UprisingOldLDTUDM/Uprising
Broken PiggyLincoln LogsOldMAllCTD
PrisonedBulletSnake RiverOldM-LAllCTD
Broken PiggyPipeworksOldLAllCTD
Cold JusiticeRoadie Rage ReverbOldMAllUprising

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Recap: April 3, 2009

Kind of a weird night, but a really fun one. Amazing number of deadlocks in the small map session.

Greetings to my buddy from work, TW 615 JoeReich. Glad you could join us!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

FCF: April 3, 2009 @ 7PM & 9PM CDT

Party Host: Cold Justice
Host Connection: Cable - 20Mbps down/2Mbps up
Match Type: Player (unranked)
Game Modes: All

Sorry for the late post, but it’s been nuts here in Central Tennessee.  Lots of tornado and severe storm warnings.  But will we let that stop us?  Heck no!  We’re on and ready to rumble (along with the thunder.)

IMPORTANT!!  Note that the stated play times are U.S. Central DAYLIGHT Time.  That puts the times at GMT-5 instead of GMT-6 until the rest of the Northern Hemisphere switches over to daylight time for the summer.

Small Map Session (8 players max.) 7PM - 9PM CDT:

This session will be restricted to all private slots. If you aren't on the host's Friends List, you won't be able to get in the room.

Gamertag Map Name Status Size Modes Preferred
PolishFreak8 Barge Battle Old S D DM
Big Jigz Sinking Ruins New S-M All CTD/Uprising
CrazyUncleDave Suspendead Updated S All CTD/Uprising
Broken Piggy Wizard Incarnate Old S-M All Uprising

Large Map Session (16 players max.) 9PM - Midnight CDT:

There will be 12 private slots reserved for this session -- and we will be carefully watching the public population on those 3 remaining slots.

Gamertag Map Name Status Size Modes Preferred
Gwar Junky SeWaR WaRs New M All CTD/Uprising
PolishFreak8 Khardi Uprising Updated M All CTD/Uprising
Cold Justice Njeve Haki Uprising Old L DTU DM/Uprising
Broken Piggy Chemikill Plant A51 Old M-L All CTD/Uprising
MARKTW Mall Madness Old M-L All CTD/Uprising
Cold Jusitice Roadie Rage Reverb Old M All Uprising